Research Team

© 2020 AP Hogeschool

Elisah D’Hooge holds a PhD in Psychology as well as a degree in Pedagogical Competence. She has ample experience in quantitative and qualitative research as well as neuroimaging.


As the head of the department of Applied Psychology she coordinates various research projects, including the iSOS research group. She is involved in the Resilient Artists project as a research coordinater.

Annouk Van Moorsel (° 1962) studied and obtained diplomas at the Stedelijke Normaalschool of Antwerp (aggregated lower secondary education physical education, 1983), the Hoger Instituut voor Dans (dance and dance teacher 1986 and 1996) and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Degree in clinical psychology, 1991).


She worked as a dancer, choreographer, dance master and dance teacher from 1984 to 2002. From 1987 she was appointed dance teacher in part-time art education and in higher art education (Hoger Instituut voor Dans). She has been coordinator of the dance teacher training since 2002. At the Royal Conservatoire Artesis Hogeschool Antwerp she was responsible for the quality care policy of the department until 2007. After this she became head of the teacher training programs in dance, drama and music. Until 2017 she also taught developmental psychology and professional didactics initiation dance. From 2020, Van Moorsel will also be head of the dance training at the Royal Conservatoire.

Van Moorsel worked as a psychologist/therapist in her private practice and in the group practice "de Psychologenassociatie" in Mechelen until 2007.


She is co-author of the book "4 je mee? Initiation lessons for 6-year-olds with crossovers to the art disciplines of drama, dance, music and fine arts" (Garant, 2013) with co-authors Bob Selderslaghs, Sanne Caluwaerts and Indra Wolfaert.


Since 2005 she has been closely involved as supervisor and co-supervisor in several research projects at the Royal Conservatoire and the University of Antwerp. From 2018 till 2022 Van Moorsel was chairwoman of the research group CORPoREAL (KCA), with a strong focus on performing arts, physicality and art education.


She is a member of the Advisory Board of the AP University College and the Council of the School of Arts Royal Conservatoire.


She is a member of CoDA an international research network "Cultures of Dance" that was founded in 2019 on the initiative of Professor Timmy De Laet of the University of Antwerp. She is also involved in the Resilient Artists project as a research coordinator.

Hanne Claessens holds a Master degree in comparative Cultural sciences, a Master degree in Conflict & Development as well as a postgraduate international investigative journalism. During her studies her main interests were American Imperialism, the Kurdisch conflict in Turkey and the Israel-Palestine conflict. At this time she also did internships for MO* as well as the Flemish peace institute of the Flemish parliament.


Working at the Belgian Centre for Suicide Prevention she expanded her knowledge regarding health care, mental wellbeing and suicide prevention. This knowledge was subsequently utilized working as a researcher and project leader on 'psychosocial problems in general practice' at Domus Medica. At the University of Antwerp she worked on a research project with general practitioners and emergency departments in the Leuven/Tienen region on the integration of the general practitioners in emergency medical care and the organization of such care outside office hours.


As a researcher and research coordinator of the Applied Psychology department at AP, Hanne is also working on research regarding cultural sensitivity in recruitment as well as the Resilient Artists research project. She is part of the core team of the knowledge center iSOS.


Elisah D'Hooge (research coordination)

Annouk Van Moorsel (research coordination)

Hanne Claessens (research coordination)

Magda Thielemans studied Dance and Dance Education at the Higher Institute for Dance (currently: Royal Antwerp Conservatoire). She obtained her degree of Pedagogical Competence with distinction and subsequently graduated in Contemporary Dance with high distinction.


Working at the Royal Antwerp Conservatoire, she developed a Physical Awareness course for actors, singers and instrumentalists. Together with Anne Schütt and Nathalie Roussel she also did research on injury prevention among professional musicians. Magda is a member of the research group CORPoREAL of the Royal Antwerp Conservatoire ( ). 


Magda regularly gives masterclasses on Physical Awareness, including a yearly masterclass at the International Opera Academy in Ghent. She is also a part of the teaching team at the Music chapel Queen Elisabeth in Waterloo.


As a researcher, Magda is currently working on the Resilient Artists research program.


Tessa Weyns is a clinical psychologist, a Master in School Psychology (KU Leuven) as well as a Doctor in Psychology (KU Leuven). Her doctoral research focused on the importance of social relationships for the wellbeing of children and teenagers. In addition, she developed a prevention program aimed at breaking stereotypes about highly gifted students.


Tessa is currently employed as a researcher for the Resilient Artists research program as well as a lecturer in the department of Applied Psychology (AP Hogeschool) where she teaches courses on prevention and professional conduct.


Magda Thielemans (researcher)

Tessa Weyns (researcher)

Bart Michiels holds a Master in Theoretical Psychology (KU Leuven), a PhD in Psychology (KU Leuven) as well as a Master in Music Composition (Royal Antwerp Conservatoire & Tilburg Conservatory). His doctoral research explored the use of single-case experimental designs to statistically evaluate CBT treatments for chronic pain.


As a lecturer/researcher in the department of Applied Psychology (AP Hogeschool), Bart is currently working on the Resilient Artists research program.


Bart Michiels (researcher)